Project information
- Category: Information system
- Client: Belgrade business and arts academy of applied studies
- Project date: March, 2020
- Project page: www.sis.bpa.edu.rs
Optimal web solution to help students in their education
SIS was created in collaboration with members of the IT department at BAPUSS Academy and represents a web portal through which students of the Academy are able to perform various activities such as exam registration, semester certifications, tuition payments and book purchases. Students can access all information related to their studies, such as checking exam dates, checking the list of lecturers for the subject, lecture schedule review and subscribing to the e-mail list of each lecturer.
All activities that require payment can be done by adding funds to an account that is associated with the student's profile. Addition of funds is possible to perform at any place of payment, e.g. post office or a bank, and the funds are available on the account as soon as possible. This greatly shortens the time required to make payments and enables the student to have more time available for what really matters.